Nasaco froth stability column test unit is designed to test flotation froth and depressant characteristics. The test unit was adapted by Nasaco and Betachem staff from the original concept developed by J.J.Bikerman.
[su_highlight background=”#2e36a2″ color=”#d2faf9″]The Bikerman froth stability column is one of the tools our staff use on site and in our Mineral Processing Laboratory. It is used as a general reagent screening and troubleshooting tool, to assist in the design and development of our mineral processing chemicals.[/su_highlight]
[su_spoiler title=”Good to know” icon=”arrow-circle-1″] The Unit can be used to test and compare frothers and also collectors with frothing characteristics. The unit can also be used to indirectly test depressants if the gangue has froth stabilising characteristics like talc and clays.[/su_spoiler]
[su_box title=”The unit can be used to answer (What is) Question” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#7e2525″ title_color=”#ffffff”]- What is the effect of water quality on froth stability.
– What is the effect of pH on froth stability.
– What is the effect of mill grind on froth stability.
– What is the effect a collector has on froth stability.
– What is the effect a depressant has on froth stability.
– What is the effect of changing the sequence of dosing reagents on froth stability.[/su_box]
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